A young person in his twenties came to see me one fine day for a medical problem. He then asked me whether it was true that I am also a trained Sports Physician. "Yes", I said. "How may I be of help?". He then shuffled backwards in the chair and reached out for something in his shorts. He showed me a white coloured box (rather poor quality packaging, I would say) with the words, Stanazolol staring at me. "Can I use this drug? Is it legal?"It was definitely not something approved by the Ministry of Health for normal use. Besides, it was only supposed to be sold in India for Rs 32 and he got it for 25 times the price from a gymnasium instructor. Funny, I thought I'd never had to hear of the product now that I dont deal with weightlifters are much as before. The medical fraternity never prescribed the drug unless the doctor is linked with clandestine doping activities.
Refer http://www.wada-ama.org/en/prohibitedlist.ch2 for the latest Prohibited list. Take note of the "Therapeutic Use Exemption" for asthmatics.
I gave him a quick description of the possible side effects and consequences of taking the drug. I advised him to also get assistance from a trained conditioning expert using scientific safe methods of 'bulking' up without the use of doping substances. Besides, without hard work there will not be any hypertrophy of the muscles!
This just shows us how easy it is for illegal drugs (doping substances) to be obtained via organised distribution units. Ahh.... it's probably easier over the WWW.