Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Tibial Bone Bruise and Dependent Hematoma

Ms Lee is a lively lady in her forties who visited 'A' Famosa with her family members during the Hari Raya festive season. Little did she know that there were several youths who ran down the stairs pushing their way through. A teenage girl knocked into her causing her to loose balance and fall down the stairs. She hit her shin (anterior border of Tibial bone) causing it to swell in pain. She had to be carried to a Chinese traditional practitioner who applied medication and massaged the leg. The next day she noticed that there was a lot of bruising from her leg downward to her foot.

She was lucky that she did not have any crack (greenstick fracture) of the tibial bone but it would take her another 1 - 2 weeks to get rid of the bruising and swelling with medication. She should have done the RICE treatment.


  1. Had the exact same injury to the tibia, a very large "bump" formed the size of a baseball, on the tibia immediately, followed by extreme ankle swelling and bruising in the foot as pictured here for Ms Lee!! No fracture, however, the "bump" is quite large, hard and still very evident 4 weeks after the incident!! I have hit my opposite leg on the shin, causing a "bump" which took 6 months to flatten. Wondering if this will take just as long or longer, the size is much, much larger!! I am still using a "boot" for walking purposes, as it relieves the pressure on my ankle and keeps anything from hitting the sensitive bump. Anyone with similar injury, I would appreciate comments!!

  2. I had a very similar injury. A ceramic coffee cup was thrown hard, hit the floor and bounced up hitting me on the inside shin about 3-4" up from my ankle. It didn't get really discolored at first, it just hurt (like nerve pain). About 6 days later, a huge lump appeared which was reddened, hard & hot. My leg was very swollen too. After an ultrasound to make sure there wasn't a clot, by MD put me on antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, & pain meds with instructions to keep elevated. He thought it was a cyst and referred me to a Vascular Surgeon to have it drained. The VS took one look at it and said that it was just a bad hematoma (no infection)& instructed me to heat, elevate and take ibuprophen. He said there may be a residual bump in several weeks and said if so, to come back and he would remove. He said the lump was so large and painful as there is "not alot of space" for the blood to go in the location that I was hit by the coffee cup. I have been in alot of pain with it, but the elevation and heat has diminished the swelling. Hope this helps. My little hematoma has already cost me big $$$.

  3. I have noticed a large hard bump right below my knee where I fell about two months ago. It feels like bone, and it is either on or around my tibial tubercle. I have not been to the doctor becuase it does not cause me pain unless I kneel on it. I need some advice or comments... anyone!

  4. I know this is an old post, but was very glad to find it, thanks to Google. A week ago yesterday I was rammed in the shin by ... well, a ram! (male sheep, with big round "ram's horns") I've developed the exact same injury, and was very curious to find out how common it is. Large hard red hot swelling on tibia, about six inches down from the knee on that side, which is extremely tender and painful. The leg down to my ankle is black and blue, and the ankle itself and into the foot black and red with bruising. It can be very painful to walk on, especially after I've had to be on my feet a lot. It's disappointing to see how long it's taken others to finally heal up, but at least I have more encouragement that I will get back to normal eventually.

    Thank you for the original post, and also to those who took the time to comment!

  5. It is essential to make sure that you ice regularly (for 15 minutes and repeat every 4 hourly) and keep your leg elevated to reduce the swelling!

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  10. June 8th, 2010 - I was hit on front of left tibia with fist sized rock 14 days ago. There was a lot of initial swelling, moderate pain and some minor external bleeding from the abrasion. I looked on web about treatment and precautions regarding nerve damage and foot drop. I cleaned with soap and water, applied hydrogen peroxide, dried area and applied triple antibiotic ointment with a bandage. I then rested, iced and elevated but did not compress so as to avoid pressure on nerve. Ibuprofen for pain as needed. The swelling has decreased daily while the would has continued to drain dark un-oxygenated blood. The was a very dark, almost black area in the wound area. I washed with soap and water daily and applied fresh ointment and bandage. Today while cleaning the area I was able to squeeze out quite a bit coagulated blood from the wound cavity. This further reduced swelling of the area. Pain has never been great. No sign of infection ie. redness, extra swelling, hot feeling at site, or temperature. I did notice bruising above heel like shown here a few days ago. I have developed some ankle pain and at one point it hobbled me momentarily. I had exercise induced ankle pain prior to injury so not sure if this is a complication or coincidence. Seeing doctor tomorrow for opinion.

  11. Dr. Says ankle pain unrelated to my hematoma. He cleaned out wound and referred me to wound care clinic. The space occupied by the hematoma is now open and a cavity about the size of a Lima Bean exist. Wound is now packed with an iodine impregnated gauze strip that prevents infection and closure. Closing the wound would guarantee infection. Wound must heal from inside to outside and they assure that it will fill in. On top of packing is applied a bandage with triple antibiotic ointment to prevent sticking to packing material and enhance infection prvention. No problems after several days and daily bandage change after cleansing with soap and water.
